Who can become an Affiliate Member?

All members of European or EU national non-commercial unions of collection agencies and/or unions of debt purchasing agencies, members of FENCA can apply for affiliate membership.

Affiliate members of FENCA can be:

1. Debt collection and / or debt purchasing companies:
  • which are members of the regular members of FENCA
  • from any other country where FENCA doesn't have a regular member
2. National associations of debt collection and / or national association of debt purchasing companies outside of Europe.

All affiliate members must ratify the Code of Conduct FENCA and recognise the Statute of FENCA, as well as fulfil a registration form and provide a full list of its members. Admission to affiliate membership will be decided by the Board of Directors.

Benefits of Affiliate Members

  • Companies accepted as affiliate members of FENCA will be listed on the web page of FENCA with their complete contact data. Signature under this document gives permission to publish the company data on the web page of FENCA.
  • Requests of contact addressed to FENCA will be redirected to all affiliate members listed for the given country.
  • Recognition on the international scene: listing in the FENCA directory will be a guarantee of trust.
  • Accepted to the sub-group of FENCA on LinkedIn: Affiliate Members.
  • Discount rate for the participation in the congress.
  • Discount of 20% for the publicity with FENCA.


  • As affiliate membership to commercial companies will be charged a fee of 500 € per year, pro rata temporis.
  • As affiliate membership to national non-commercial unions of collection agencies and/or unions of debt purchasing agencies outside Europe will be charged a fee of a regular member, pro rata temporis. (Use the calculator below).
  • FENCA’s membership year runs from 1st January to 31 December.

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